
Hello and welcome to my brand new recovery page.I will try to keep this page updated as much as possible. If you have any suggestions or any tips, email me at joenewport85@aol.com.

Thank you and enjoy the site.

 My name is Joe. I am 28 years old and I was born and raised in Indianapolis Indiana. I am a recovering opiate addict that is currently in recovery. I started drinking and smoking Marijuana at the age of 16. The first time that I tried codeine was at the age of 17, when I was in a car accident. I stuck with pot until I was 21 and then started using opiates every day. I came up with many excuses for my drug use as possible. I was bullied from childhood through high school. I was a loner. It was the cool thing to do. It made me feel good. It won't ever hurt any one else.

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The more excuses I made for my self, the more I became alone and confused. This life was all about me and only me. My addiction caused me steal and lie to others. It became worse when I discovered Heroin. I became a person who I never thought I'd become. I became what people call a "Monster." It took me 12 years to get to the point in life where I'm at today. Sober, happy, and free. Free from pain and misery. There is only one way to achieve sobriety and to stay sober. You have to have the desire to stop using. You have to Let Go and Let God. The Salvation Army ARC is the program

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that I went through. It was challenging at first because I honestly was not ready to stop using. It took a couple of months to make the best decision I have ever made in life. To never use again. I was having a good time. I was learning more about my addiction every day. I made new friends that I stay in touch with. I learned how to have fun "sober." I was Saved on September 21, 2013. There are still a few things I'm dealing with at the moment. House arrest being one of them. It is mentally challenging and very frustrating at the same time. Every day I don't use, is a day I become stronger. I now live one day at a time and I don't think about the future. The Devil will throw temptations your way every single day, so every time he does. I say, "listen here Devil, that is not what God has planned for me, so flee away from me. Leave me be." God's plan for me is to help others, and that's what I'm doing to the best of ability. God bless! and hope my story helps in some way. Recovery is more than worth it in the end. Live God's will, not yours, and the promises that are in the bible will be kept.                        - Joe Newport